In conclusion, Crate & Barrel presented an opportunity for us to examine one of their locations and relate the different management processes they used and from the knowledge acquired we were able to pick out the flaws in their processes and implement the changes we’d like to see them make. The Crate & Barrel Warehouse Sale Store is very different from regular retail stores because in this case we researched operations for liquidation. We found many problems with Crate and in spite of everything, offered some solutions to help better its operations process.
Lessons Learned
While observing the operation processes of Crate & Barrel, our team learned how to use Lean Systems to maximize a company’s day to day activities. These Lean systems help reduce waste, costs, and delays within a company. Analyzing the operational functions helped identify the issues our company had with scheduling, planning and inventory management. These issues had a negative impact on the quality granted to each customer. Understanding these trends in operations and correcting them improve the overall value of the company.
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